PreWrapped Gifts recyclable boxes for gifts can avoid going to landfill, be composted, or reused. Eco-friendly and biodegradable, reusable wrapping paper appeals to markets where plastic is being reduced. On top of that, many companies have
mandates and initiatives to become carbon neutral; every investment into paper products needs to ensure that it’s actually sustainable to reduce its carbon footprint.
So, who are PreWrapped Gifts boxes for? You might be an individual looking for a sustainable or recyclable box to give a gift to that special someone. You could be a
retailer or wholesaler looking to decrease your own carbon footprint with more sustainable gift wrapping options for your customers. Or you could even be an industrial client seeking a less expensive way to achieve your eco-actual goals.
PreWrapped Gifts makes sustainable boxes in multiple sizes, with over 160 real wrapping paper designs. Our products are affordable, easy to use, and make the act of gift giving an eco-actual pleasure.